Is gnách go n-úsáideann táirgí LED (120VAC) voltas laghdaithe toilleoirí 120VAC Super miniaturization
RC chun an voltas ciorcad a laghdú, a bhfuil ceanglais an-dian acu maidir le méid an táirge, Ag baint úsáide as scannán allmhairithe, ag baint úsáide as galú ardfhriotaíochta bileog, chun táirge 120V564, 120V684, 120V105, P = 5 táirge, chun freastal ar riachtanais mhéid an chustaiméara. Is beag gearán a fuarthas i thart ar 6 mhilliún táirge carnach.
PFC filter products also requires high temperature and small size, common specifications are 250V473, 400V473 , 400V683 P = 5 , p = 7.5 and other specifications, in this case, in application, we recommended when customers design size, amplify the appropriate size , to reduce capacitor size requirements, to increase safety performance.